Sex and TV Study
Haven't announced here yet, about the new book I am writing on the sex, love and relationships arena. And for now, I don't plan on sitting on a soapbox too much about how plastered our culture is with sex, sex, sex. It surely is, so much, that I don't have to sell and convince people that it really is a powerful force to go up against. I'm arrowing deep down for the heart, and will share about it soon. However, if you haven't seen it yet, today on every front page of most every newspaper in the country is fixated on how much sex there is on TV...
"Sex Scenes on TV nearly Doubled" Chicago Sun Times
"What's on TV, More Sex, a Study Finds" Orlando Sentinel
"Television more sexed than ever, a study finds" Washington Post
"Sex and the Tube: It's a happy Marriage" New York Daily News
...and 386 more newspapers across the country.
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