Sunday, November 06, 2005

If You Could Do Anything With Your Life

My newfound friend Margaret Feinberg, who is an excellent and accomplished writer was speaking at a event in Dallas called Fusion. While there she asked her audience the following question: If you could do anything with your life, assuming that time and money were no object, what would you choose to do?

Check out the answers at I was shellshocked by how many said they would write. You know, when I read that it hit me how many people have told me that they'd love to write too. I get asked all the time about my journey in writing. My answer is always simple: I just did it because God told me to and he backed me up. That's it. Sure, I've had to pay a price for it, but it's worth it because I love doing it and he's guiding me.

My charge to people is to go for it! And don't depend on a publisher for crying out loud. Writers are prophets, not puppets. I'm just getting started but my faith muscle has grown a lot in a year. Someone told me one time he thinks the evangelists of the 21st century will be writers. We have so much baggage as a religion, we will have to build our platform through writing.

Can you imagine the kind of material God could put out there if more people would just go for it?


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