Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Following God with Our Sexuality

It seems that the central difficulty is determining how we live our lives.

Sometimes, we uncover an answer...but sometimes we don’t. Why is that? Sometimes, we fall on our face, while other times we figure it all out. How is that? That a deep desire for what’s good and what’s right can be replaced by intense desires to do the complete opposite – what is wrong. Maybe, just maybe, this problem doesn’t have to do with what we’re taught, but rather by what’s caught and understood. Maybe, there’s something to be said by what’s clearly understood, by what’s clearly happening to us. Allow me to share with you, then, an excerpt, from the book Amber and I are working on. Simple, yet deep-seated questions, that we all have faced one time or another...

We live in a world, don’t we, that is plastered with sexual images, one that has a constant power to manilpulate our minds and poison our hearts? So...what can we possibly do? How do we counteract such a powerful force? Do we need a doctor, or do we need a guide? Do we need a discourse, or do we need hope that sticks? Sure, everyone desires to have the adventure of romance, but the adventure of sex calls too, doesn’t it? So the question is: Is it possible to maintain a holiness in the midst of what seems unavoidable?

This generation, more than ever, is crying out for some real life answers to the tough issues that inhabit their lives every single day they waken to. Allow me to propose another question: What would it look like if high school and college students, and twentysomethings alike, embraced the reality that purity is only a single subset of our real desire to please our Heavenly Father?

What would it look like if they caught on to a piece of God they’ve never seen before, a part of his being that says, “You can follow Me with your sexuality, just like you can with every other part of our life.”


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