Sunday, October 23, 2005

Spiritual Environments

This morning I was interviewed in a leadership breakfast led by Travis Vaughn, who is a good friend and pastor of a church plant in Cumming called Lake Ridge Church. This discussion stemmed from Travis' desire to see his leadership team create more spiritual environments where people could ask questions about life and God.

I'm not going to go into detail with where the dialogue went but I'd like to share a couple things that I seem to keep bringing up lately when people ask me about the conversations I'm having...

• They don’t like the church or even Christianity but they do like Jesus.
• We have this "thing" with assumptions. We assume people think like we do. No one - I mean no one likes it when someone assumes something about them.
• Why is our evangelism efforts focused on recievers, rather than real people?
• Why do we assume that when a person becomes a Christian they are automatically a disciple?
• From my experience the number one way to have lots of amazing spiritual conversations is humility. If you're humble anyone will talk to you. How can we be an image-bearer without it?
• The message we must present today needs to focus on heaven and the honing device our hearts are already after rather than hell and the decietful heart. Jesus' message is and was attractive!
• We must put our ideas into a language people experience on a daily basis.
• Is our goal to become better Christians or more Christ-like? The most important thing is to do what Jesus told us to do. We have got to get our heads out of cultural Christianity, if we are going to create powerful spiritual environments.
• People do want to have spiritual conversations! It all depends on how you go about it.
• The two hot bed topics in my conversations with 20 something's: spirituality and sexuality.


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