Friday, August 12, 2005

Walking with Him

Oswald Chambers once said, “It is much easier to do something than to trust God.” The only way to know the living glorious God is to walk with him. Chambers alludes that we would rather work for him than believe him. The challenge arises to believe in him which intersects with believing him. The true litmus test for a community of followers of Jesus is to find out if they are living what they claim to believe. It’s sad when ministers water down truth and accept the condition of these confused folk. They accept it because they too don’t truly believe it. If I want to find out how much someone believes in this truth then all I need to do is find out what they care about. Do their beliefs give a slab to what they care about?

I believe that the root reason why we lack compassion for others is because we haven’t received any compassion ourselves. Then too, you’ve never walked with Jesus, because a walk alongside of him showers you with big drops of compassion. Everywhere I turn I need compassion, understanding and patience from God. And he gives it. If I were God I’d shoot balls of lightning at myself, but he daily listens to me, waits on me and believes in me. As I fail, give in and give up he looks at me and says, “I’ll wait as long as I need to because you’re well-being is important to me.” Now, the one who walks with God understands the kind of well-being I’m referring to. Sure, it is physical, mental, emotional and spiritual but underlined with glory and purpose. If you walk with God you’re the first to admit that you’re completely criminalized in every way possible. That’ll change the way you see the world. And you will naturally leak compassion and understanding which is the only way Jesus preached truth (Psalms 26:3).

I believe in stillness. You know the power and soothing sitting still can bring. In a westernized culture we are formed to go and do, but the secret resides in sitting still and then go and do. And when we go and do under that kind of power the one sitting still worshipping our Heavenly Father delivers, what we really do is unleash the purpose of God in our lives. You want to do the right thing then walk with God in the power of God. How do you expect to walk with God without sitting still with God? This thing called prayer was commanded by Jesus while on earth – it is essential to the well-being of his follower. Basically, we were created to sit still with God.


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