Power of the Marketplace
Been thinking a lot about the "engaging culture" mindset . Below is an excerpt from Bill Bright's last book. These are the words he wanted to say to the church as he went home. I'd like to think this man (who influenced me in an incredible way) has earned the right to be heard. Personally, it struck me for several reasons. Read his words and allow me tell you why.
“I have been asked if I have any last words before God calls me to a new assignment, and I do. To the believing world, I would add this: in light of our failure through the years to be salt and light, as Jesus commanded, our generation is faced with a grave crisis. Anti-God forces have largely become the dominant voice and the major influence in our culture. My challenge to believers would be: reverse this tide. It is not enough to say, “I must live a godly life”—that is a given. It is not enough to say, “I must be a witness for Christ”—that is a given. Beyond these two, we must be salt and light in our culture, helping people to realize that the God of our Bible is our only hope.”
I don't think he would have never said these exact words 20 years - especially 50 years ago. I've heard Billy Graham say numerous times that he thinks the greatest force the Christian cause has is in the marketplace. Very interesting when thinking about evangelism models. How does that make all of you feel who work in the marketplace?
The thought that comes to my mind is the way this affects those who work in the marketplace - the gatekeepers - who I'll talk about tomorrow. How does this affect the way we lead our churches and ministries? It presents us with one option: to expect more out of them. We can't by trying to raise up pastors - we need business leaders of steel who know how to penetrate the culture.
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